Thera Supreme


Thera Supreme is a superb antioxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a 100% natural food, all-round health booster.


The goal of Thera Supreme was to create a product that is a superb anti-oxidant, high in vitamins and minerals, an immune booster, and a 100% natural food product that could be added to a drink as an all round health booster. There are many products already on the market that have mixes of fruits, vegetables, enzymes, etc. Most of these products appear to put everything that has ever gotten good press into one mix. Unfortunately, in practice these seem to rarely work well with people, often causing as many health issues as they “claim” to help. We found whole categories of items that did not work with the vast majority of people. These categories included the algaes (spirulina, chlorella, etc.), grass juices (wheatgrass, barley grass, etc.), fungal derived enzymes, and pro-biotics. All of these have their place but again we wanted something that would benefit close to 100% of individuals.

Primary Usage:

  • Immune Stimulant
  • Antioxidant
  • Vitamin, Mineral, & Phytonutrient source
  • Nightshade Sensitivity


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs

130 caps/ 65 svgs

Suggested Use

This product comes in a 130 capsule container with 2 Caps X 3 each day scoop, so you have 21 days worth of servings. Take 2 caps 3X daily Thera Supreme appears to help rid the body of solanine. Ideal is to take 3 scoops a day for the first 2 bottles and then cut to 1 scoop daily. In people that will not comply with the diet- Thera Supreme should be taken indefinitely and results will not be optimal but will be much better than if it is not taken. The best that has been theorized is that the Thera helps the body get rid of stored solanines faster. You may see symptom improvement faster in those taking it. It does not fix the problem but allows symptoms to resolve faster. On those that can?t be compliant to the diet it lessens (though does not eliminate ) the effects of solanine.

Nutrition Facts

TheraSupreme has the following 8 ingredients: Acai berry, acerola cherry, bilberry, blueberry, elderberry, asparagus, black radish, and cilantro (coriander) Acai berry- a major part of the diet in some Amazon regions. It is a great source of dietary fiber and actually a good source of monounsaturated fats. It is very high in anti-oxidants including proanthocyanidins. It is also anti-inflammatory due to its ability to inhibit COX-1. Acerola cherry- long been known for its high vitamin C content. It is also a rich source of vitamin A and contains B1, B2, B3 and magnesium in significant amounts. Bilberry- high in anthocyanin pigments, reportedly helpful for night vision, macular degeneration and some heart conditions and other vascular disorders. Blueberry- recent studies suggest blueberries may be useful in reducing cancer risk, slowing the cognitive decline in Alzheimer?s, controlling blood pressure and prevention of urinary tract infections. It can also be a good source of vitamin K as well as manganese. Elderberry- another rich source of anti-oxidants and various phyto-nutrients – it has been shown to have anti-viral activity especially against certain strains of influenza. A good source of carotenoids and other nutrients. Carrot juice- a rich source of beta-carotene. Also a source of B vitamins, calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and iron. Asparagus- supplies vitamins A,C,E, iodine, folic acid. Traditionally it has been used to strengthen the genito-urinary system and more recently has been used to help in people with various forms of cancer. Broccoli- a rich source of vitamin A , C and selenium. Also contains phyto-nutrients with anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties, as well as a potent detoxifier. Black radish- one of the greatest detoxifiers and an activator of liver detoxification enzymes. Coriander/Cilantro- contains an antioxidant that helps prevent animal fats from turning rancid. Mildly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and used by some to chelate mercury and other heavy metals.


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