
Until the origin of the inflammation is identified use essential fatty acids to decrease the inflammatory response. Inflammation alters hormone balance.
The most common of inflammation found clinically are food sensitivities.
The most important foods to screen are the major proteins, which are casein, gluten, egg and soy.

The identification and removal of any food sensitivities that trigger any symptoms of inflammation can unlock the metabolism of the most chronic patients.

So until the origin of the inflammation is identified use essential fatty acids to decrease the inflammatory response.

In addition to food sensitivities, the most common cause of inflammation is having ingested some germs, either bacteria, virus, fungus or parasite. Many times a person will not be able to remove inflammation or balance hormone levels until the digestive system is assisted. In these cases use the Repair and Clear program featured on this site, especially GI Synergy, RepairVite and Strengtia.
Digestive infections and imbalances have dramatic impacts on your hormones and health.