Lu Rong Supreme


Lu Rong Supreme supports increased endurance and athletic performance and is recommended for those interested in slowing the degree and onset of aging.


Lu Rong Supreme is for anyone wanting to increase endurance and athletic performance, inflammatory conditions, musculoskeletal support, cartilage degeneration, and most people interested in slowing the degree of onset of aging.  We look at it as a whole food.  Back before hybridization when people ate whole foods, many of them wild (including animals in some cases), there were small amounts of natural hormones and co-factors in the daily diet.  We look at Lu Rong Supreme as restoring that part of the diet.

Primary Usage:

  • Musculoskeletal Support
  • Mood Enhancer
  • Nerve Growth Factors
  • Athletic Performance
  • Immune Support


Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


Suggested Use

Dose:2 caps daily as a therapeutic dose for the glucosamine/chondroitin etc. or 1 cap a day for the other effects. Plan to take a one week break every two months or as testing dictates. For small children you would adjust the dose appropriately.

Nutrition Facts

Most Lu Rong on the market comes in 250-500 mg per cap with fillers added. The Supreme caps have 830 mg and have no fillers added and as a rule is priced much lower and is of the highest quality.


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